4 months agoREE Case Study: Sacramento Railyards Strategic Market Absorption AnalysisThe City of Sacramento was in a unique position with its existing landholdings – known…Read more
4 months agoREE Case Study: UCSD Campus Retail Market Analysis and Strategy DevelopmentUCSD seeks to take advantage of its growth and attractive surrounding neighborhood characteristics to provide…Read more
4 months agoREE Case Study: Economic and Fiscal Impact Analysis for the Mixed-Use District NoHo DevelopmentAs part of a joint development effort with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority…Read more
4 months agoREE Case Study: Market and Economic Analysis for the Gateway Transit-Oriented CommunityThe RCLCO Team was engaged by the City of El Monte to evaluate the feasibility…Read more
News9 months agoCommercial Observer: Why Grocery-Anchored Retail Keeps Drawing So Much AttentionInstitutional investors are in on the act now, and the approach is even having a…Read more
9 months agoThe Supermarket Rental Sweep: Analyzing Multifamily Rent Premiums Generated by Grocery Store AnchorsRCLCO’s research into the impact of ground-floor grocers, initially completed in 2016, updated in 2020,…Read more
11 months agoREE Case Study: Achievable Rent Analysis for Build-for-Rent, Single-Family Home CommunityNexMetro retained RCLCO to complete a third-party market analysis to determine achievable positioning and rental…Read more
11 months agoREE Case Study: University Trust Land Assessment for Arizona Board of RegentsRCLCO provided an inventory analysis of the almost 5,000 parcels held in the six funds…Read more
11 months agoREE Case Study: Resort Residential Market Analysis for Kukui`Ula Master-Planned CommunityRCLCO’s report helped outline the development potential of the remaining lands at Kukui’ula.Read more
11 months agoREE Case Study: Strategic Development Direction for Anaheim Stadium DistrictAngels Baseball and Brooks Street, the team’s real estate advisor and development partner, engaged RCLCO…Read more