4 years agoEmployment Growth, Rebounding GDP for U.S. EconomyReal estate economists predict markedly improved U.S. economic and property market conditions over the next…Read more
4 years agoRCLCO’s Data Visualization Toolkit & Insights for the Real Estate IndustryA question that we often hear is “How is technology and big data impacting the…Read more
4 years agoThe Top-Selling Master-Planned Communities of 2020In this issue of The Advisory we discuss the spectacular pace of new home sales…Read more
4 years ago2020, Year of the Suburbs: Flight from Urbanity or Accelerated Trends?We examine some of the housing market influences of the coronavirus pandemic in the context…Read more
4 years agoWhich Grocery Store Anchor Drives the Strongest Apartment Performance? An Updated Look at the “Whole Foods Effect” Post-Amazon AcquisitionOver the past two decades, the presence of Whole Foods in a neighborhood has functioned…Read more
5 years agoGrowing Demand for Build-to-Rent Single Family HomesBased on current trends, RCLCO believes the single-family rental market will likely be undersupplied over…Read more
5 years ago2020 STEM Job Growth IndexRCLCO, partnering with CapRidge Partners, has produced the 4th annual STEM Job Growth Index (“STEMdex”),…Read more
5 years agoJobs Across America: An Interactive Map of Employment Density by IndustryRCLCO is excited to announce the release of its new interactive data tool, “Jobs Across…Read more
5 years agoThe Top-Selling Master-Planned Communities of Mid-Year 2020For this mid-year 2020 report, we have surveyed MPCs throughout the country to establish the…Read more
5 years agoThe Top-Selling Master-Planned Communities of 2019 and “Best” of the DecadeEvery year since 1994, RCLCO has conducted a national survey identifying the top-selling MPCs through…Read more