Anchor Institution Support

RCLCO is called upon by universities, hospitals, family trusts, corporations, and other public owners of real estate to help them understand and unlock the inherent value of “non-campus” property holdings.

We understand the unique mission and objectives of these institutions, and are familiar with their organizational structure and decision-making framework. Our team has a proven ability to define an overall real estate strategy and analyze and explain specific development, liquidation, and recapitalization opportunities to an institution’s administration, its stakeholders, and its financial supporters.

We have proprietary in-house knowledge regarding:

  • Student retailing and spending patterns, and strategies used to create college-edge retail neighborhoods
  • Faculty and staff housing preferences, with incentive strategies for encouraging private housing reinvestment in local communities
  • A process and methodology for a city and institution to work together on a jointly commissioned and binding redevelopment strategy

Anchor Institutions Service Offerings

  • Highest and Best Use Analysis
  • Real Estate Market Analysis
  • Regional Economics
  • Strategic Planning
  • Campus Edge Retail Strategies
  • Real Estate Portfolio: Analysis, Monitoring, Planning, Policy, Allocation & Pacing Plans
  • Development Partner Selection & Structuring
  • Valuation Services/Performance Audit
  • Student and Faculty Housing
  • Research Facilities
Image of University campus, used to represent RCLCO's University Real Estate Consulting Services

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